


基本信息 Basicinformation






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研究方向 ResearchInterests



个人履历 Resume


2013.09-2018.06中国科学院大学地理科学与资源研究所 理学博士

2009.09-2013.06武汉大学资源与环境科学学院 理学学士


2020.12-      福建师范大学地理科学学院 副教授

2019.01-2020.08美国康涅狄格大学资源与环境系 博士后

2018.06-2019.01美国德州理工大学地理系 博士后


个人简介  Brief

商荣,男,博士,武汉人。主要从事植被遥感与碳中和、遥感大数据、地表变化动态监测等方面的研究,包括高分辨率遥感数据融合(Landsat系列和Sentinel-2)、大尺度地表变化及扰动检测、森林扰动近实时监测、植被扰动与碳循环、全球地表物候反演等。具备有独立处理全球海量高分辨率卫星遥感数据的能力,精通C/C++MATLAB,熟悉GoogleEarth EngineLinuxPythonR等。至今已发表论文12篇,其中4篇发表在遥感领域顶级期刊《RemoteSensing of Environment》上。先后担任过《RemoteSensing of Environment》、《ISPRSJournal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》、《Scienceof Remote Sensing》等期刊审稿人。


代表性论文 SelectedPublications

  1. Zhang,J., Shang, R.*,Rittenhouse, C., Witharana, C., Zhu, Z. (2021). Evaluating theimpacts of models, data density and irregularity on reconstructingand forecasting dense Landsat time series. Scienceof Remote Sensing. 4,100023.

  2. Qiu,S., Zhu, Z., Shang,R.,Crawford, C.J. (2021). Can Landsat 7 preserve its science capabilitywith a drifting orbit? Scienceof Remote Sensing.4, 100026.

  3. WangL., Niu, Z., Shang,R.*,Qin, Y., Li, W., Chen, H. (2020). High-resolution mapping of forestcanopy height using machine learning by coupling ICESat-2 LiDAR withSentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 data. InternationalJournal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation,92,102163.

  4. Shang,R.*,Zhu, Z. (2019). Harmonizing Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2: ATime-series-based Reflectance Adjustment Approach.RemoteSensing of Environment,235, 111439.

  5. Qiu,S., Lin, Y., Shang,R.*,Zhang, J., Ma, L., Zhu, Z.*. (2019). Making Landsat Time SeriesConsistent: Evaluating and Improving Landsat Analysis Ready Data.RemoteSensing,11, 51.

  6. Xu,M., Liu, R., Chen, J., Liu, Y., Shang,R.,Ju, W., Wu, C, Huang, W. (2019). Retrieving leaf chlorophyll contentusing a matrix-based vegetation index combination approach. RemoteSensing of Environment,224, 560-73.

  7. Zuo,L., Liu, R., Liu, Y., Shang,R.(2019). Effect of Mathematical Expression of Vegetation Indices onthe Estimation of Phenology Trends from Satellite Data. ChineseGeographical Science29 (5), 756-767224, 560-73.

  8. Shang,R.,Liu, R., Xu, M., Liu, Y., Dash, J., & Ge, Q. (2018). Determiningthe Start of the Growing Season from MODIS Data in the IndianMonsoon Region: Identifying Available Data in the Rainy Season andModeling the Varied Vegetation Growth Trajectories. RemoteSensing,10, 122.

  9. Shang,R.,Liu, R., Xu, M., Liu, Y., Zuo, L., & Ge, Q. (2017). Therelationship between the threshold-based and the inflexion-basedapproaches in extraction of land surface phenology. RemoteSensing of Environment,199, 167-170.

  10. Liu,R., Shang,R.,Liu, Y., & Lu, X. (2017). Global evaluation of gap-fillingapproaches for seasonal NDVI with considering vegetation growthtrajectory, protection of key point, noise resistance and curvestability. RemoteSensing of Environment,189, 164-179.

  11. 左璐,王焕炯,刘荣高,刘洋,商荣.(2018). 基于不同光谱指数的植被物候期遥感监测差异.应用生态学报.29(02):599-606.

  12. 商荣,刘荣高,刘洋.(2015). 基于背景知识的全球长时间序列反照率反演.地球信息科学学报.11.


主要获奖成果 TheMain Achievements

  1. 2018年中国科学院 地理科学与资源研究所 优秀博士毕业生

  2. 2018年中国科学院 地理科学与资源研究所 所长奖学金

  3. 2017年博士国家奖学金


科研项目 Researchprojects



3.Toward Near Real-time Monitoring and Characterization of Land SurfaceChange for the Conterminous USUSGS-NASA项目,2018.06-2020.08,参加



