


杨玉盛,男,1964年生,教授,博导/博士,福建师范大学常委、副校长、地理研究所所长,万人计划百千万人才工程领军人才,教育部创新团队学术带头人,国家重点实验室培育基地主任、教育部重点实验室主任,地理学一级学科博士点学科带头人,第十二届、十三届国家自然科学基金委员会专家评审组成员。新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,教育部高校优秀青年教师奖全国优秀科技工作者获得者,省杰出科技人才、省优秀专家,享受国务院特殊津贴。GlobalChange Biology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Plant and Soil, ForestEcology andManagement等国际SCI源刊及国内多个核心期刊的论文审稿专家。主持国家重大科学研究计划课题(973计划)、国家基金重点项目、国家973”前期专项课题、国家基础科学人才培养基金等国家级项目10余项;发表SCI论文60余篇,论文他引达10000多篇次;出版专著2部;获国家及省部级科技成果近20项,其中主持成果分别获福建省科学技术奖一等奖和二等奖各1项,教育部科技进步二等奖1项。长期从事森林碳循环、人工林可持续经营、生态系统恢复与重建等研究。


 XiongDC, Yang ZJ, Chen GS, Liu XF, Lin WS, Huang JX, Bowles FP, Lin CF,Xie JS, Li YQ*, Yang, YS*. (2018). Interactive effects of warming andnitrogen addition on fine root dynamics of a young subtropicalplantation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 123, 180-189.

 YangYS, Wang LX, Yang ZJ, Xu C, Xie JS, Chen GS, Lin TQ. (2018). Largeecosystem service benefits of assisted natural regeneration. Journalof Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(2), 676-687.

LiYiqing, Qing Yanxia, Lyu Maokui, Chen Shidong, Yang Zhijie, LinChengfang, Yang Yusheng. (2018). Effects of artificialwarming on different soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools in asubtropical plantation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 124: 161-167.

Lin,W., Li, Y., Yang, Z., Giardina, C.P., Xie, J., Chen, S., Lin, C.,Kuzyakov, Y. & Yang, Y. (2018). Warming exerts greaterimpacts on subsoil than topsoil CO2 effluxin a subtropical forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263:137-146.

 ZhangQF, Xie JS, Lyu MK, Xiong DC, Wang J, Chen YM, Li YQ, Wang MH, YangYS*. (2017). Short-term effects of soil warming and nitrogen additionon the N: P stoichiometry of Cunninghamia lanceolata in subtropicalregions. Plant and Soil, 411(1-2), 395-407.

LiuXF, Lin TC, Yang ZJ, Vadeboncoeur MA, Lin CF, Xiong DC, Lin WS, ChenGS, Xie JS, Li YQ, Yang YS*. (2017). Increased litter in subtropicalforests boosts soil respiration in natural forests but notplantations of Castanopsiscarlesii.Plant and Soil, 418(1-2), 141-151.

LiuXF, Yang ZJ, Lin CF, Giardina CP, Xiong DC, Lin WS, Chen SD, Xu C,Chen GS, Xie JS, Li YQ*, Yang YS*. (2017). Will nitrogen depositionmitigate warming-increased soil respiration in a young subtropicalplantation? Agricultural and forest meteorology, 246, 78-85.

GuoJF, Yang ZJ, Lin CF, Liu XF, Chen GS, & Yang, YF*. (2016).Conversion of a natural evergreen broadleaved forest into coniferousplantations in a subtropical area: effects on composition of soilmicrobial communities and soil respiration. Biology and fertility ofsoils, 52(6), 799-809.

 HuangJX, Chen GS*, Yang ZJ, Xiong DC, Guo JF, Xie JS, Robinson D, Yang Y*.(2016). Understory fine roots are more ephemeral than those of treesin subtropical Chinese fir (Cunninghamialanceolata (Lamb.)Hook) stands. Annals of forest science, 73(3), 657-667.

 ShengH, Yang YS*, Yang ZJ, Chen GS, Xie JS. (2010). The dynamic responseof soil respiration to land-use changes in subtropical China. GlobalChange Biology, 16: 1107–1121